[mrtg] gd-1.7.3

Sakthivel sakthivel_k at mbox.bfi.admin.ch
Wed Nov 3 15:25:53 MET 1999


can anyone be of help in compling libgd on a hpux10.20 machine?
i am getting the following messages: when i try the make.

line 159: warning 36: Use of XMPYU is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 160: warning 36: Use of XMPYU is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 161: warning 36: Use of %fr8R is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 163: warning 36: Use of %fr10R is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 166: warning 36: Use of XMPYU is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 167: warning 36: Use of %fr9R is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 295: warning 36: Use of XMPYU is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 296: warning 36: Use of XMPYU is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 297: warning 36: Use of %fr8R is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 299: warning 36: Use of %fr10R is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 302: warning 36: Use of XMPYU is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 303: warning 36: Use of %fr9R is incorrect for the current LEVEL of 1.0
line 585: error 1052: Directive name not recognized - PARAM
line 659: error 1052: Directive name not recognized - PARAM

thanks in advance,

 Swiss Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and
 Telecommunications (FOITT).        
 (Bundesamt fuer Informatik and Telecommunikations)
 Post		Monbijoustrasse 74, CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
 Telefon	+41-31-325 9440
 Fax		+41-31-325 9030 
 Internet	sakthivel_k at mbox.bfi.admin.ch	oder/or
 		kandiah.sakthivel at bit.admin.ch
 X.400		g=sakthivel; s=kandiah; o=bit; a=admin; c=ch

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