[mrtg] perl script

Herman Cremer news at solidliquid.com
Thu Jun 21 15:29:30 MEST 2001

As far as the manuals go,
it is said that if a script returns 4 lines with values,
MRTG should use these values for graphing.

However, this little script should take an Exim mail server's logfile,
process it, then return two values:
	1) IN per hour
	2) OUT per hour

This does not work.
When I run the perl script manually with ./script, it returns two values,
but when MRTG accesses the script, no data is being fed through.

When I look at the .old file in the WORKDIR, values are displayed on the
first line, but thats it !!

Any help would be appreciated.


#Get the date & some time
        $tdate = `date +%Y-%m-%dx%H:`;

#Remove unwanter Starting And ending strings.
        $tdate =~ s/^\s+//;
        $tdate =~ s/\s+$//;

#Construct 'space' in date
        substr($tdate, 10, 1) = " ";

$input = `grep "$tdate" "/var/log/exim/exim_mainlog" | grep -c ">"`;
$output= `grep "$tdate" "/var/log/exim/exim_mainlog" | grep -c "<"`;

$I = int($input);
$O = int($output);

print "$I\n";
print "$O\n";
Herman A Cremer
Systems Engineer &
SolidLiquid Pty Ltd
South Africa
+27 (0) 12 665 0636

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