[mrtg] IIS 5.1 and mrtg-rrd.cgi

Stephan Faulmann pc-guru86 at web.de
Mon Nov 19 10:20:41 CET 2007

Hello to all,

I'm not shure, if this is the right mailing-list for my problem, but I hope tha you can help me.

I'm trying to use the MS IIS for showing and generating the Websites of my reporting. Everything works fine with Apache or Xitami. But when I try to use IIS, I get the message, that the page could not be displayed. With the "Error: server or DNS could not be found".
In order to chek whether IIS works corretly, I tried to load a Hello-World CGI-script and that works. Hello world is displayed, without any error...
While browsing the web for a solution, I found, that I have to set AllowPathInfoforScriptMappings to true and to disable the "check that file exists" checkbox. So I did. But nothing changed, same behaviour...

I don't know what I've configured wrong, maybe someone else has an idea?
I'm happy for all hints.

Stephan Faulmann
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