[rrd-users] Makefile and flowscan...

CihanS at garanti.com.tr CihanS at garanti.com.tr
Tue May 18 11:08:41 MEST 2004


I am using flowscan with Dave Plonka's Makefile to generate my usages and protocol breakdown of the network. But having problem with the average values on my graphs...Below there is a portion of Makefile of Dave. the mcast value even if it less than 1%, it is shown as more than 20-30%, which I assume since multicast traffic has higher value during the nigths and that is why the whole day average stays more than the actual values (Am I right?). Is there a way to put the actual value rather than the average on my .png files?

'CDEF:mcast_in_pct=MCAST_in_bits,TOTAL_in_bits,/,100,*' \
'CDEF:mcast_in_pct=MCAST_in_bits,TOTAL_in_bits,/,100,*' \
        GPRINT:pop3_out_pct:AVERAGE:'POP3 %.1lf%% Out' \
        GPRINT:pop3_in_pct:AVERAGE:'%.1lf%% In ' \
        GPRINT:mcast_out_pct:AVERAGE:'MCAST %.2lf%% Out' \
        GPRINT:mcast_in_pct:AVERAGE:'%.2lf%% In ' \

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