[rrd-users] Question about LAST value in a graph

Bas Rijniersce bas at brijn.nu
Fri Jan 28 10:59:37 MET 2005


(I did Google and search the archives but did not find an answer)

I use RRDTOOL on Windows to monitor our Replication software. The script runs
every 5 minutes and writes the current replication delay to the rrd.

The configuration of the RRD:
rrdtool.exe create test.rrd --start <timeX> DS:loc2ffm:GAUGE:300:U:U
DS:ffm2loc:GAUGE:300:U:U RRA:MAX:0.5:1:288 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:336

So the first RRA will keep the 5 min samples for a day.

I create a graph that shows one days of data, at the bottom I want to print the
LAST value that was measured:

rrdtool.exe graph test_hour.gif -t "Replication Interval" \
DEF:myloc2ffm=test.rrd:loc2ffm:MAX DEF:myffm2loc=test.rrd:ffm2loc:MAX \
LINE2:myloc2ffm#FFCC00:"Location to FFM" LINE2:myffm2loc#FF6600:"FFM to \
Location\n" GPRINT:myloc2ffm:LAST:"Current Location 2 FFM - %.2lf min\n" \
GPRINT:myffm2loc:LAST:"Current FFM 2 Location - %.2lf min" -v minutes"

The resulting graph does not plot the correct LAST value at the bottom. If I
check with rrdtool fetch, the last sample is for exmaple 0, while the graph
still shows a far larger value.

Do I need an additional RRA to get this correct, or is it just not possible?

Thank you!

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