[rrd-users] custom start/end time not working

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at vandenbogaerdt.nl
Wed Jun 29 10:17:27 CEST 2016

> my stacked graph shows up just fine.  However if I add a custom time
> range with the start time being before the end time the stacked graph
> does not display and I get the following in the apache error logs:
> ERROR: start time: There should be number after '-'

Which does make me guess the generated code is "--start end-{$variableName}".
If you entered 1467142510, the resulting starttime will be too low.

Try entering the number 86400. Does this work? If so, my guess is right
and you need to enter the length (time wise) of the graph, not the start
time of it.

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