hey guys, I am trying to add last update time info into rrdtool graphic, what I did is something like <br><br>#!/bin/bash<br>now=`date`<br><br>rrdtool graph blablabla \<br>blablabla \<br>blablabla \<br>COMMENT:"last update\: $now"
<br><br>when I ran the scipt, I got the following error, <br><br>ERROR: Garbage ':56:46 CDT 2007' after command:<br>COMMENT:last update\: Wed Jun 20 09:56:46 CDT 2007<br><br>I know it was caused by the ":", rrdtool does not like any ":" without "\",
<br><br>So any quick solution I can print date info on the graphic? thanks a lot!<br><br><br>