I have a simple application that plots weather data from an XML feed.
(I started with rrdWeather).<br><br>
It was beautiful and working fine, but just yesterday it <br>
started giving intermittent errors:<br>
"attempt to put segment in horiz list
and then the resulting rrdTool graph was bad.<br><br>
A google search seemed to just show past messages saying this was a <br>
bug in old libraries.<br>
I am using rrdTool 1.2.15 from perl libraries (librrdp-perl <br>
1.2.15-0.3, librrds-perl 1.2.15-0.3) which are the current latest <br>
stable builds on Debian (Linux).<br><br>
Help please?<br><br>
Gregory Guthrie<br><br>
MUM Faculty Mail - FM 1068<br>
Fairfield, IA 52557<br>
------------------------------------------------ <br><br>
-------------------------------------------------------- <br>
<b>Dr. Gregory Guthrie <br>
</b><x-tab> </x-tab>
(641)472-1125 Fax: -1103 <br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Professor
and Dean<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Computer
Science Department <br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>College of
Computer Science and Mathematics<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Maharishi
University of Management <br>
<font color="#0000FF"><x-tab>
<a href="http://www.mum.edu/cs_dept" eudora="autourl"><u>
http://www.mum.edu/cs_dept</a></u></font> <br>