<pre>Hi,<br><br>I've been using rrdtool to graph temps around my house for a couple of<br>months now. I setup a CDEF that shows night vs. day based on sunrise and<br>sunset temps. Its been working great however now that the below zero have
<br>arrived, I notice that the AREA does not cross the x-axis.<br><br>You can see what I mean here:<br><br><a href="http://ronin-tech.com/Content/pid=27.html" target="_blank">http://ronin-tech.com/Content/pid=27.html</a><br>
<br>The script I use to generate the graphs is here:<br><br><a href="http://ronin-tech.com/Content/pid=26.html#graphtemp" target="_blank">http://ronin-tech.com/Content/pid=26.html#graphtemp</a><br><br>The line that defines the CDEF used for night is:
<br><br>CDEF:night=LTIME,86400,%,$1,LT,INF,LTIME,86400,%,$2,GT,INF,UNKN,Basement,*,IF,IF<br>\<br><br>Any idea how I can change this so that the night AREA covers both sides of<br>the x-axis?<br><br>Cheers,<br>Paul</pre>