Hi folks<br><br>I have been using rrdtool a long time now on several linux boxes.<br>And since I have some more Solaris machines around I want to monitor those too with a couple of rrd scripts.<br><br>I installed rrdtool with a Blastwave package, version
1.2.19<br><br>One of these scripts is for load average, and it's been working fine since I created it, but it looks like the database is updated with values of 0 lately?<br>The graph is empty and my 'last' values are shown as '-NaN' ..
<br><br>that's how I created the rrd:<br>rrdtool create load.rrd --step 60 DS:load1:GAUGE:120:0:U DS:load5:GAUGE:120:0:U DS:load15:GAUGE:120:0:U \<br>RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2160 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:2016 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:15:2880 RRA:AVERAGE:
0.5:60:8760<br><br>that's how I update it:<br>LOAD=`/usr/bin/uptime | /usr/bin/awk '{print $10 $11 $12}' | /usr/bin/sed -e "s/,/:/g"`<br>/opt/csw/bin/rrdtool update /data/scripts/rrd/load.rrd N:$LOAD
<br><br>and that's the graph:<br>/opt/csw/bin/rrdtool graph /data/www/img/load.png --start -129600 \<br>-a PNG -t "Load Average" --vertical-label "Average Load" -w 600 -h 100 -M \<br>DEF:load1=/scripts/rrd/load.rrd:load1:AVERAGE \
<br>DEF:load5=/scripts/rrd/load.rrd:load5:AVERAGE \<br>DEF:load15=/scripts/rrd/load.rrd:load15:AVERAGE \<br>VDEF:load1l=load1,LAST \<br>VDEF:load5l=load5,LAST \<br>VDEF:load15l=load15,LAST \<br>AREA:load1#ff0000:"1 minute, last\:" GPRINT:load1l:"%5.2lf\n" \
<br>AREA:load5#ff9900:"5 minutes, last\:" GPRINT:load5l:"%5.2lf\n" \<br>AREA:load15#ffff00:"15 minutes, last\:" GPRINT:load15l:"%5.2lf" \<br>LINE1:load5#ff9900:"" \<br>LINE1:load1#ff0000:""
<br><br>When I manually run the uptime command it gives me the correct output, so that's no the problem.<br>Even if I run the 'rrdtool update' command manually and then create the graph again, it's still empty?
<br><br>I didn't change anything in the scripts.. so I think there's some mistake in the database that screws with the values after a certain time or something?<br><br>Any help is appreciated .. or if you have a better and nicer script, let me know :)
<br><br><br>best regards<br>Sandro<br>