<div dir="ltr">Dear all,<br><br>I have just subscribe to this mailing list and looking for answers for following queries.<br><br>1) I am trying to use rrdtool with mrtg the problem is that as soon as I add following line to my router.cfg file <br>
<br><br>PathAdd: c:\rrdtool\bin <br>LibAdd: c:\rrdtool\perl<br>LogFormat: rrdtool <br><br>the mrtg stop generating graph and start logging the values in the rrd database but what i was looking for is both addition of values in database as well as normal graph of mrtg which was it plotting as before<br>
<br>2) I want to export values of database to excel kindly let me know how to do so.<br><br>3) my rrdtool make a database per interface so do i have to make a batch file for exporting values of all the interface to excel and how can I export to same excel file using a batch file without disturbing the results of previuos intertace export.<br clear="all">
<br>Best Regards<br><br>Irfan Azher<br>