<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">William, thanks for your reply!<br><br>I looking to accomplish a five minute graph with integer values like below. <br>The problem is that I cant get rid of the double X.XX values that is produced by RRD. <br><br>no.<br>4. ____<br>3. ____<br>2. ____<br>1.____ ____<br>0. 300. 600. 900. 1200 time<br><br>Willia wrote: - "<span style="font-family: monospace;"></span>In general, your heartbeat interval should be set greater than the interval at<br><pre>which you store data. In example, if you store data to your RRD file
every 300<br>seconds, you may consider setting your heartbeat interval for 600 seconds (or<br>even 3600 seconds, which is much larger)."</pre>- My heartbeat is 100. My RRA is RRA:MAX:0.1:3:1000, meaning three data collection stores to one RRD value every 300 seconds (5 minutes). I can´t stop RRD from approximating the values stored in RRD... I know that ONLY integer values without digits are sent to RRD.<br><br>William wrote: "<br><pre>Your maximum value, for starters, will be largely effected by the<br>frequency/resolution at which you run your data collection. So, if you're<br>only sampling your data every 300 seconds, you'll only get one reading for<br>that period, not necessarily the maximum value over that period of time.<br>Someone else with more rrdtool experience can correct me if I'm mistaken."<br><br>- I have a separate data collector, which is scheduled to poll data every 100 <br>seconds. So I know Im getting three data point for every RRD
stprage point. <br>Is the any specific periods in the 0-100 sec interval which is safe/unsafe?<br>e.g. will a value stored closer to 0 or 100 somehow get interpolated?<br><br>Tack,<br>Johan<br></pre><br><br>--- Den <b>mån 2008-11-10 skrev William R. Lorenz <i><wrl@express.org></i></b>:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">Från: William R. Lorenz <wrl@express.org><br>Ämne: Re: [rrd-users] RRD smoothing - please help<br>Till: "johan thoren" <johan_thoren@yahoo.se><br>Kopia: rrd-users@lists.oetiker.ch<br>Datum: måndag 10 november 2008 22.47<br><br><pre>Hej Johan,<br><br>On Mon, 10 Nov 2008, johan thoren wrote:<br><br>> Im trying to figure out how to configure the RRD tool. My goal is to store<br>data and ONLY display the maximum value. At a heart beat rate of 100 I store<br>into RRD for a 300 time interval. See my rrd definition<br><br>>
DS:sPHI:GAUGE:100:0:1000<br>> RRA:MAX:0.1:18:1000<br><br>> The values I get are typically 1,2,3,4 and NEVER any digits<br><br>In general, your heartbeat interval should be set greater than the interval at<br>which you store data. In example, if you store data to your RRD file every 300<br>seconds, you may consider setting your heartbeat interval for 600 seconds (or<br>even 3600 seconds, which is much larger).<br><br>> Why I gods name will RRDtool approximate and display graph- values like<br>1.3, 0.7, 2.2... This to me does not look like a TRUE maxiumum value, but<br>instead only an AVERAGE value...<br><br>Your maximum value, for starters, will be largely effected by the<br>frequency/resolution at which you run your data collection. So, if you're<br>only sampling your data every 300 seconds, you'll only get one reading for<br>that period, not necessarily the maximum value over that period of time.<br>Someone else with more rrdtool experience
can correct me if I'm mistaken.<br><br>> Is there any way to get thsi basic functionality to work or am I forced to<br>look for another software then the RRDtool???<br><br>Your best bet is to kindly :-) share more information about what you're<br>trying to accomplish and the specific application surrounding your use of<br>rrdtool. That might encourage more help/insights from the mailing list.<br><br>Hope this helps. Ha det så bra!<br><br>-- William R. Lorenz</pre></blockquote></td></tr></table><br>
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