Hi,<br>I'm trying to use rrdtool to graph water usage for my house. I have an issue where for units on the y axis I get 10m 20m 30m etc... I am trying to figure out how to get the units to be like 10 G 20 G 30 G for gallons etc...<br>
Any help is greatly appreciated...<br>thanks,<br>jamieC<br><br><br> qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-1min.png --start end-1m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br> qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-5min.png --start end-5m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br>
qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-30min.png --start end-30m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br> qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-1hour.png --start end-60m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br>
qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-6hour.png --start end-360m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br> qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-12hour.png --start end-720m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br>
qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-24hour.png --start end-1440m --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br> qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-1month.png --start end-4w --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br>
qx{ $rrdtool graph $htdocs/indoorwater-1year.png --start end-52w --vertical-lab Gallons --no-legend $configLine };<br><br>DEF:in=/data/www/dotcom/daq/db/waterusage.rrd:indoorwater:AVERAGE LINE3:in#0000FF:Gallons<br>
<br>qx{ $rrdtool update $databases/waterusage.rrd -t indoorwater:sprinklerwater N:$gallons:$gallons };<br><br>qx { $rrdtool create $databases/waterusage.rrd -s 60 DS:indoorwater:COUNTER:120:0:65535 DS:sprinklerwater:COUNTER:120:0:65535 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:3650 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5:3650 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:3650 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:3650 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:360:3650 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:3650 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1440:3650 };<br>