Hi, I'm interested in extracting the tabular data that rrdgraph would otherwise plot on the graph, much like I'd do with <br>'rrdtool fetch', but I wish to use rrdgraph's powerful calculation features to transform the data and generate additional columns. Is this possible? >From reading the documentation, I am sometimes given the impression that it is, and I'm sometimes given the impression it is not.<br>
<br>For example, the manual page says "When you are done fetching and processing the data,
it is time to graph it (or print it)", which implies that there is some way to simply dump the data out using PRINT statements, but I haven't managed to figure out how to get PRINT do spit out anything but a single data point.<br>
<br>Is what I'm trying to do possible, or should I just be using rrdfetch to dump the data and then do calculations on it myself? It seems like I should be able to leverage the considerable data transformation intelligence that's in rrdgraph without actually generating a graph.<br>