<font size=2 face="sans-serif">I installed 1.4.8, but am still having
debug output without asking for it.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Is there a switch somewhere where I
can turn it off? I looked through the config.status file on the build and
can't really see how it might have been compiled into it.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">If I do a rebuild ... how can I make
sure it is turned off?</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Thanks!</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif"><br>
Joe Loiacono</font>
<br><font size=1 color=#5f5f5f face="sans-serif">From:
</font><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Tobi Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch></font>
<br><font size=1 color=#5f5f5f face="sans-serif">To:
</font><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Joe Loiacono/USA/CSC@CSC</font>
<br><font size=1 color=#5f5f5f face="sans-serif">Cc:
</font><font size=1 face="sans-serif">"eschoeller@users.sourceforge.net"
<eschoeller@users.sourceforge.net>, "rrd-users@lists.oetiker.ch"
<rrd-users@lists.oetiker.ch>, "rrd-users-bounces+jloiacon=csc.com@lists.oetiker.ch"
<br><font size=1 color=#5f5f5f face="sans-serif">Date:
</font><font size=1 face="sans-serif">08/10/2013 05:22 PM</font>
<br><font size=1 color=#5f5f5f face="sans-serif">Subject:
</font><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Re: [rrd-users]
RHEL6 - rrdtool dumping text</font>
<hr noshade>
<br><font size=3>On 10.08.2013, at 22:30, Joe Loiacono <</font><a href=mailto:jloiacon@csc.com><font size=3 color=blue><u>jloiacon@csc.com</u></font></a><font size=3>>
<p><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Yes, I've had no problems with it on
a previous install. But I built that one vs RPM'ing this one (however,
that may be irrelevant).</font><font size=3><br>
</font><font size=2 face="sans-serif"><br>
flowviewerprime /var/www/cgi-bin/FlowViewer_4.2/Flow_Working 299 >/opt/rrdtool-1.4.7/bin/rrdtool
update /var/www/cgi-bin/FlowTracker_Files/FlowTracker_RRDtool/somerville_test.rrd
prep ds[0] last_arg 'U' this_arg '6886391'
pdp_new 2038371736.00<br>
proc_pdp_age 4 proc_pdp_st 1376162700 occu_pfp_age 0 occu_pdp_st
1376163000 int 296.000000 pre_int 296.000000
post_int 0.000000<br>
PDP UPD ds[0] elapsed_pdp_st 1 pdp_temp 6886391.00
new_prep 0.00 new_unkn_sec
schedule CDP_val update, RRA 2 DS 0, DNAN<br>
Initialize CDP_val for RRA 2 DS 0: 6886391.00<br>
schedule CDP_val update, RRA 3 DS 0, DNAN<br>
Initialize CDP_val for RRA 3 DS 0: 6886391.00<br>
schedule CDP_val update, RRA 6 DS 0, DNAN<br>
Initialize CDP_val for RRA 6 DS 0: 6886391.00<br>
schedule CDP_val update, RRA 7 DS 0, DNAN<br>
Initialize CDP_val for RRA 7 DS 0: 6886391.00<br>
-- RRA Preseek 2040<br>
-- RRA Postseek 3864<br>
-- RRA WRITE VALUE 6.886391e+06, at 3864 CF:AVERAGE<br>
-- RRA Preseek 3872<br>
-- RRA Postseek 9624<br>
-- RRA WRITE VALUE -nan, at 9624 CF:AVERAGE<br>
-- RRA Preseek 9632<br>
-- RRA Postseek 32224<br>
-- RRA WRITE VALUE 6.886391e+06, at 32224 CF:MAX<br>
-- RRA Preseek 32232<br>
-- RRA Postseek 32992<br>
-- RRA WRITE VALUE -nan, at 32992 CF:MAX<br>
Joe</font><font size=3><br>
<br><font size=3>maybe you got some debug define set while compiling</font>
<br><font size=3>in any event, get 1.4.8 ... fewer bugs more fun</font>
<br><font size=3>cheers tobi</font>