Hi everyone,<br><br>I have Smokeping setup and monitoring a few critical servers. I have two challenges left before I'm finished. One, getting email alerts to work and two, zoom graphs. I will address the zoom graphs in a later post.
<br><br>Anyway,<br><br>Mail does leave the box using Net::Smtp. I used the perl script (below) from a previous poster and it works. So this tell me the Net::Smtp per module works, the firewall rules on the server work, and destination mail server accepts my HELO.
<br><br>#!/usr/bin/perl<br>use Net::SMTP;<br>$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('<a href="http://mail.domian.com">mail.domian.com</a>');<br>$smtp->mail("<a href="mailto:smokeping\@domian.com">smokeping\@domian.com</a>
");<br>$smtp->to("<a href="mailto:myname\@domian.com">myname\@domian.com</a>");<br>$smtp->data();<br>$smtp->datasend("Smokeping Rules\n");<br>$smtp->dataend();<br>$smtp->quit;<br><br>
sendmail also works from the command line.<br><br>I have added this (below) to the config for testing and place a bogus IP in the hosts file. I still do not recieve an email and the mailq is empty.<br><br><br>+testloss<br>
type = loss<br># in percent<br>pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%<br>comment = test packet loss<br><br><br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>