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<title>Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle</title>
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</HEAD><BODY><p> Hello, </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Can anyone explain the graph below? I can't explain Gray Square box. </p>
<p>I gusee ,</p>
<p> violet line <=== max 17% Loss</p>
<p> gray square box <=== RTT of Ping tests are steady
except when loss occurs. </p>
<p> So
the RTT bounce between 0ms (when loss occurs) and 70ms(steady RTT value)</p>
<p>Am I right ? if not, please reply me.</p>
<img src="cid:PUY0HDW7CQRJ@namo.co.kr" align="bottom" width="534" height="235" border="0">
<p> </p>
<p>Thank you,</p>
<p>HYUN JU</p>
<p><br><br>------- <b>Original Message</b> -------<br><b>Sender</b> : Tobias Oetiker<tobi@oetiker.ch><br><b>Date</b> : 2008-09-01 16:45 (GMT+09:00)<br><b>Title</b> : Re: [smokeping-users] Graph cropping ... is this possible?<br><br>Hi David,
<br>Today David Tomic wrote:
<br>> So ... we can already crop/zoom graphs along the x-axis [time], but I'm
<br>> just wondering whether it's also possible [at least in theory] to do the
<br>> same thing along the y-axis [latency] as well?
<br>> So ... thoughts/comments/suggestions anyone?
<br>yes it could be implemented. Its just that I am targeting my next
<br>development evvort in the smokeping area to go for a full rewrite
<br>with an all interactive ajax based frontend which will also have
<br>the ability you are looking for ... but this will be some time off
<br>as for a short term solution, this should certainly be hackable ...
<br>the cropping javascript can do vertical as well if stroked the
<br>right way.
<br>> Regards,
<br>> --David
<br>> PS - I realise that I can just try cropping the x-axis to remove the
<br>> spike - which is what I'm actually doing at the moment - but that's
<br>> really far from an ideal solution IMHO.
<br>> Not least of all because it makes it almost impossible to compare any
<br>> extended period of time before/after the big spike.
<br>> IE - You have to crop the graph before the big spike, again afterwards,
<br>> and even then you sometimes have the problem of the two halves ending up
<br>> with a different y-axis maximum anyway. Not good.
<br>> _______________________________________________
<br>> smokeping-users mailing list
<br>> smokeping-users@lists.oetiker.ch
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<br>Tobi Oetiker, OETIKER+PARTNER AG, Aarweg 15 CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland
<br>http://it.oetiker.ch tobi@oetiker.ch ++41 62 775 9902 / sb: -9900
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