I have a server with smokeping and xymon running on the same box. That is the only thing in addition to out of the box packages. It is CentOS release 5.3 (Final).<br><br>Tue Apr 19 17:40:00 2011 - FPing: WARNING: smokeping took 585 seconds to complete 1 round of polling. It should complete polling in 300 seconds. You may have unresponsive devices in your setup.<br>
Tue Apr 19 17:40:17 2011 - open3: fork failed: Cannot allocate memory at /usr/local/smokeping/lib/Smokeping/probes/FPing.pm line 128<br><br>The server is a virtual guest and I only gave it 256MB of RAM. The graph I have of its memory utilization shows it never exceeds 87% usage, leaving roughly 33 MB free.<br>
<br>At this point I don't know if smokeping is crashing and causing the problem or if something else is causing a problem (io, memory, cpu, etc) and then smokeping is crashing. httpd failed to respond during this time but Xymon continued to both monitor and alert me smokeping was gone, httpd wasn't responding CPU was high and RAM was low (less then 10% available for that one poll).<br>
<br clear="all">Josh Luthman<br>Office: 937-552-2340<br>Direct: 937-552-2343<br>1100 Wayne St<br>Suite 1337<br>Troy, OH 45373<br>