<html><head><title>Re: [smokeping-users] Losspatterns</title>
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<span style=" font-family:'courier new'; font-size: 9pt; color: #800000;"><b>HCDas> we are using fping with "blazemode=true" and currently this pattern =<br>
HCDas> <100%,>20%,>20%<br>
</b><span style=" color: #000000;">Then the loss is not just "in the middle" - you're losing packets between you and the destination. Those are NOT false positives.<br>
Whether that loss is _material_ to you or not, is perhaps another question. [That's a weird pattern, IMO. One sample of anything less than 100%, followed by two samples of greater than 20%? - so a 1%, 20%, 21% would trigger it. I doubt that's what you intend.]<br>
What's the sample interval? 60s? 5m? Something else?<br>
If it matters, I tend to select low thresholds over longer periods of time. Say, three samples of 5-15% or more over 10-20 minutes. [The levels depend on the nature of the connection I'm monitoring. I also sample every minute.]<br>