<html><head><title>Re: [smokeping-users] RRD files being created, but the graphs are not updating</title>
<td width=2 bgcolor= #0000ff><br>
<td><span style=" font-family:'courier new'; font-size: 9pt;">This was a working distributed environment with 8 slaves, all running on 14.04 with smokeping 2.006008.<br>
Had a reboot of the smokeping master this am and have had crazy problems ever since. As part of the troubleshooting for this, we upgraded the master to 2.006011<br>
Cannot display graphs, even the master tests. In the directories, the .slave_cache files are being created. But, the corresponding rrd files are not being updated. <br>
The smokeping_secrets file is really strange now. Before it was 600 smokeping:smokeping and everything worked. After the update, once the master process is up, I have to set it to 640 smokeping:www-data to get the slaves to connect. Otherwise I get this error on the slave:<br>
<b>* Starting latency logger daemon smokeping<br>
WARNING: Opening secrets file /etc/smokeping/smokeping_secrets: Permission denied<br>
ERROR: we did not get config from the master. Maybe we are not configured as a slave for any of the targets on the master ?<br>
</b>Any ideas what is going on, or where I can look? The lack of graphs from the master is really confusing<br>
Apache is Apache/2.4.7<br>
RRDTool is 1.5.5</td>
<span style=" font-family:'Courier New'; font-size: 9pt;">It sounds like a permissions issue.<br>
How much time have you spent trying to make sure permissions are correct?<br>
[It sounds like you know what you're doing, but this is a common issue and virtually always it runs down as a permission issue. My apologies if that doesn't fit your case, but it sure sounds likely.]<br>
The master RRD's need to be able to write to the files/directory as whomever smokeping is running as.<br>
The slave RRD's need to be writeable as whatever web-server you're using is running as. [Apache]<br>
[To *write* the data from smokeping/fping et al.]<br>
Both need read access for the web-server/apache. [To *display* the graph data.]<br>
I don't recall exactly what users those typically are for Ubuntu 14 - but double check.<br>
Quick, note if the RRD's are getting their time-stamps updated as new data should get written. If not, you've got a write problem.<br>
If they are, you've got a read problem.<br>
I have no idea why the permissions would have changed though.<br>