[mrtg-announce] New MRTG contribution to monitor storage via SNMP

Cyril Bouthors cyril at bouthors.org
Thu Feb 28 20:38:07 MET 2002


I've just released a small script called cfgstoragemaker that my
company has been using for almost a year. The purpose of
cfgstoragemaker is to remotely generate a MRTG config file in order to
graph all the storage devices (disk, memory and swap) of one or more
specific host(s) via SNMP. As you can imagine, it was heavily inspired
by cfgmaker. The syntax is as easy as :
       cfgstoragemaker community at host [community at host] [...]

I've made the minimal documentation and packaging needed to decently
release it, you can have more information on Savannah [1] or freshmeat

I've almost finished my Debian Application [3] and I wish to include
the cfgmaker Debian package I wrote into the official distribution as
soon as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any comments or question.

[1] http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/cfgstoragemk/
[2] http://freshmeat.net/projects/cfgstoragemaker/
[3] http://nm.debian.org/nmstatus.php?email=cyril@bouthors.org
Cyril Bouthors -- phone:+33 1 41 66 47 06
                    fax:+33 1 41 66 47 10

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