[mrtg-developers] Re: cfgmaker reports wrong Max Speed with SNMPv2 (2.10.15)

Tobias Oetiker oetiker at ee.ethz.ch
Wed Nov 24 19:54:45 MET 2004

Hi Larry,

The current (16pre1) cfgmaker contains the following code

             $value = $value * 1000000;  # highSpeed = contador * 10^6
             if ( !$value || ($value < 100000000)) {
                 ($if, $value) = split /:/, $ifSpeed[$i], 2;
                 #debug('base',"Speed: $if - $value");
             $routers->{$router}{$if}{'ifSpeed'} = $value;

so insetad of looking at speed, it looks for 'low' HiSpeed values

the effect should be similar, or do you see an advantage in your
approach ?

  ______    __   _
/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker @ ISG.EE, ETL F24.2, ETH, CH-8092 Zurich
  / // _ \/ _ \/ /  System Manager, Time Lord, Coder, Designer, Coach
/_/ \.__/_.__/_/   http://people.ee.ethz.ch/oetiker +41(0)44-632-5286

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