[mrtg] Re: Weird Cisco issue

Don Buchholz buchholz at kentrox.com
Thu Aug 26 03:14:03 MEST 1999

On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Keith wrote:
> I was told there was an IOS bug that caused IOS to return weird data if
> there are too many SNMP polls in a small amount of time. This is word of
> mouth; I have heard nothing from Cisco.

An HP OpenView instructor mentioned many network devices' SNMP agents have
a nasty behavior, which has been termed "spinning the agent", if too many
SNMP requests are received.  Basically the agent crashes -- possibly
bringing the functioning device down with it.  

He then stated that IOS's response to a "spun agent" was an impromptu
'reload'.  (I know, more rumor mongering, but I am interested to know if
anyone else has seen this.)

- Don Buchholz, Communication Networks Manager   <don_buchholz at adc.com>
- ADC Telecommunications, Broadband Business Group - Portland, OR - USA
- 14375 NW Science Park Drive, Portland, OR 97229
- phone: 503/350-6466    FAX: 503/641-3321

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