[mrtg] linux rateup

Dan Gumm dan at securewebs.com
Tue Aug 31 00:53:36 MEST 1999


With everyones help, I think I'm down to my last problem with my install.

This is the error that now shows up when running ./mrtg mrtg.cfg

.//rateup: error in loading shared libraries: libgd.so.0: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

PROBLEM: rateup died from Signal 0
 with Exit Value 127 when doing router 'pendragon'
 code was 32512, retcode was . If this happens all the time,
 you should probably investigate the cause. :-)

I've tried these two solutions and they have not helped.

>solution 2: after configure'd and before make'ing,
            edit Makefile and add -R option to LDFLAG
            to specify the directory gd library resides.
            for example, change the line
                LDFLAGS =  -lm -L/opt/gd/lib -lgd -lpng -lz
                LDFLAGS =  -lm -L/opt/gd/lib -R/opt/gd/lib -lgd -lpng -lz
            which effects ld.so to search that directory.

>solution 3: after configure'd and before make'ing,
            edit Makefile and add an option to LDFLAG
            to force ld to link the static library libgd.a.
            for example, option "-B static" is needed for Solaris
            with GNU egcs compiler I can use -Xlinker option;

     LDFLAGS =  -lm -Xlinker -B -Xlinker static -L/opt/gd/lib -lgd -lpng -lz

My libgd.so is located in /usr/local/lib

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for the help!!


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