[mrtg] Re: Whither the 95th percentile parser?

Pete Templin templin at urdirect.net
Fri Dec 17 00:57:37 MET 1999

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Henry Steinhauer wrote:

> Thanks for your work.  You make it seem easy.

Understanding your data, and storing it in a logical fashion, are the two
challenges.  Oh, and fixing all of my stupid mistakes....
> You appear to be creating the 95th value for in and the 95th for out  -
>  -  then seeing which one is larger and reporting that.

Yes, I do report the higher of the two.
> But - for those of us with circuits that are not the same bandwidth in as
> out, this still would not work.
> Could I ask you to give me the snimp of code to:
> 1 -  give the higher of the two for a given date ?
>      I think that would be   $level = $in;
>     $level = $out if ($out > $level);
>      push (@highest,$level);

Yup, that's it.
> 2 - the 95th for in, out and Highest.
>     print "$comment  usage for $month_name $year is    $level   in is
> $high_in  out is  $high_out   highest is $highest_l  \n ";
> where $highest_l = @sort_high = sort {$a <=> $b } @highest;  $highest_l =
> $sort_high[$index];

Heck, keep the code referenced in #1, and just do 

print "$comment inbound usage for $month_name $year is $high_in.\n";
print "$comment outbound usage is $high_out.  Highest was $level.\n";


Peter J. Templin, Jr., CCNA
Systems and Networks Administrator

On-Line Internet Services - URDirect.net
A division of Global On-Line Computers
2414 Babcock Rd. Suite 106		templin at urdirect.net
San Antonio, TX 78229			(210)692-9911

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