[mrtg] Re: (no subject)

Tim Kennedy sugarat at thunderhold.sugarat.net
Tue Jul 6 14:59:03 MEST 1999

To everybody trying to unsubscribe, ro who may want to unsubscribe in teh
future:  Please, I beg of you, learn how to read.  Then look at the footer
of your e-mail.  Every single message sent to the list gets delivered with
a footer that has no purpose in life but to help you get off the list.

It's not that hard.  You know,  I think the unsub messages sent to the
list has gone up since that was added to the messages.  Has anybody set up
mrtg to graph unsuccessful unsub messages?


On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, K. Koopman wrote:

> unsubscribe
> --
> * To unsubscribe from the mrtg mailing list, send a message with the
>   subject: unsubscribe to mrtg-request at list.ee.ethz.ch
> * The mailing list archive is at http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/mrtg

* To unsubscribe from the mrtg mailing list, send a message with the
  subject: unsubscribe to mrtg-request at list.ee.ethz.ch
* The mailing list archive is at http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/mrtg

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