[mrtg] Re: Indexmaker... please HELP!!!

lfiddler at us.ibm.com lfiddler at us.ibm.com
Sat Jul 24 01:11:11 MEST 1999

Just to clarify so that we are on the same page here....

This is what I am typing :     Indexmaker -r ''
/usr/local/mrtg2.7/cfg_files/asp_mrtg.cfg > /tmp/index.html

I get back the usage error.  Exactly what you sent me (below).

Works if I don't use -r ''... creates the full file, but we want it by
device not all of the devices in one HTML file.

Any suggestions would be appreciated...

Thank you

Lisa Fiddler
Network Performance Measurements
Raised Floor, Building 025
(Outside):  303-924-6290
(Tie/Line): 303-263-6290
Pager:        303-878-0157
Madness takes it's toll.... Please have exact change ready.

Eric Werner <ewerner at nwlink.com> on 07/23/99 12:08:06 PM

To:   Lisa Fiddler/Boulder/IBM at IBMUS
Subject:  Re: [mrtg] Re: Indexmaker... please HELP!!!

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999 lfiddler at us.ibm.com wrote:

>      I appreciate your response; however, I have done that several times and
> hasn't solved my problem yet.  I have looked at the script file and can't come
> up with a solution to this issue.  Any other suggestions?

Here's the list of commands, then.  I use the -H, -a, and -t when I run

USAGE: indexmaker [options] <mrtg.cfg> [options] <other.cfg> [options] ..  ..

 This tool will read the contents of each mrtg.cfg file and will return the HTML
code of a webpage contanig the 'daily' graphs of all the routers whose titles
match the regular expression.

  -r regexp : use regular expression 'regexp' to match targets (default: '.')
  -t Title  : set 'Title' of index page (default: 'All targets')
  -b color  : set background color bgcolor (eg. -b #ffffff) (default: '')

  -1 : make 1-column graph page (default: 2)
  -2 : make 2-column table page

  -P : set to parse PageTop tags for graph names in index page (default: 0)
  -p : unset parsing of PageTop tags for graph names in index page

  -H : set use of <HR> tag between graphs. (default: 0)
  -h : unset use of <HR> tag between graphs.

  -S : sorted. present graphs in alphabetic order (default: 0)
  -s : unsorted. present graphs in order as they appear in config file

  -N : numbered. prepend sequence number for each graph.
  -n : not numbered. (default: 0)

  -X : specify WIDTH  for graphs (default: 500)
  -Y : specify HEIGHT for graphs (default: 135)

  -M regexp : include only Targets whose Title match given regexp (same as -r)
  -m regexp : from those that pass -M exclude those that match -m regexp

  -A : add indexmaker arguments to a comment of generated html page.  (default:
  -a : do not. (use to memorise the command line used to generate this page)

  -G : add graphs to the index pages (default: 1)
  -g : don't add graphs to the index pages

  -F : try to apply all of the above in per config file manner.

 Options can appear between config filenames, thus allowing you to construct
more complex and flexible rules for creating index files.  You can use wildcards
in filenames.  You may find "-s -S" and "-n -N" useful between filenames.


indexmaker -t 'All my Routers' -r '.' conf/*cfg >/home/httpd/stats/index.html

You may also want to change defaults to suite your most frequent options.

Based on your first message, I think what you may be wanting to run is
"indexmaker -M <target ip> mrtg.cfg".  Using "-r" would do the same thing.

Hope that helps.

Eric Werner
Senior Network Administrator
                                               ewerner at nwlink.com

 It's a little known fact that the Y1K bug caused the Dark Ages.

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