[mrtg] 95th Percentile in the Monthly (see www.above.net/traffic)

Erik Power erik at sitespecific.net
Tue Jul 27 17:01:31 MEST 1999

Hi all,
	New to the list, please excuse if this has come up often. I've
searched the mailing list archives high and low for information about this
topic, and the closest I came to finding an answer was a message from Dave
Rand sent last October that said, "The work is done (see
http://www.above.net/traffic - click any graph, look at the 'monthly'
section). I'm trying to roll this into 2.3.  The problem is you need lots of
changes to be able to support this..." 
	Imagine my surprise to find that Dave had done the work on the very
same MRTG implementation (above.net's) that I wish to re-create.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any other information, and I'd
like to know if the code is available that will allow me to create similar
graphs with the 95th percentile for my own network. Thanks!


Erik P. Power              Site Specific, Inc.
erik at sitespecific.net      1402 3rd Ave. Suite 324
Voice: (206) 652-0677      Seattle, WA 98101
Fax:   (206) 652-0676      http://www.sitespecific.net

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