[mrtg] mrtg rateup error

Harish Baliga harish at abest.com
Wed Jul 28 21:17:05 MEST 1999


I am trying to run the mrtg 2.8.5 on linux running on cobalt RQ. I got gd
library 1.6.2 installed with libpng and zlib. mrtg was compiled OK. But
when I try to run the mrtg it gives the following error:

[root run]# ./mrtg mrtg.pm3
.//rateup: error in loading shared libraries
libgd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

PROBLEM: rateup died from Signal 0
 with Exit Value 127 when doing router ''
 code was 32512, retcode was . If this happens all the time,
 you should probably investigate the cause. :-)

I can see the file in /usr/local/lib (libgd.s0.0)

[root run]# find /usr/local/lib -name "libgd*" -print

Anyone can help me with What am i doing wrong..?



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