[mrtg] Re: Monitoring Kentrox CSUs

David C Prall dcp at dcptech.com
Wed Nov 3 13:22:36 MET 1999

> I've got some new Kentrox DataSmart DSUs on the network, with cute
> Ethernet ports for system management and SNMP monitoring.  Can anyone
> point me towards OIDs to monitor line health, such as error counters,
> percentage of error-free seconds, etc?
The MIB's are located on their web page under support:

You'll just need to install these into a MIB Browser such as GETIF and
have a look.

David C Prall, MCNE MCSE          DCP Technologies
dcp at dcptech.com                       Alexandria, VA
dcppage at dcptech.com               http://www.dcptech.com

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