[mrtg] Totals

Chuck.Curto at tmcaz.com Chuck.Curto at tmcaz.com
Thu Nov 4 23:52:00 MET 1999

I sent this out an didn't get a response so I thought I would try again:

I have several .cfg files setup to give me the totals of the individual stats
I'm collecting.


Target[total]:	11:public at x.x.x.x + 12:public at x.x.x.x +
		13:public at x.x.x.x + 14:public at x.x.x.x
MaxBytes[total]: 25000000
Options[total]: growright
Title[total]: Total Traffic
PageTop[total]: <H1>Total Traffic

This works great.

Here's my question. How do I get totals like above when I'm using OID numbers
to gather stats instead of interface numbers?

Example: at x.x.x.x

Chuck Curto
Network System Programmer
TMC HealthCare
chuck.curto at tmcaz.com

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