[mrtg] Re: Modems in use

Roddy Strachan roddy at satlink.com.au
Wed Nov 24 03:41:20 MET 1999

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Tom Delong wrote:

> Hi,
> Trying to track modem use on 2 Cisco 2511 with 16 modem each.
> I have tried searching the net and reading the archive, but did not find one
> complete solution.
> Many methods, but I am not sure all will work on WinNT.
> I tried to use the  method that calls a script and uses "finger" and "grep",
> but it did not work on NT.
> I would appreciate if sombody can Help walk me thru this, and provide all
> the necessary scripts.

	I had trouble with this also, until someone send me his script, i
forget who, but this is mine :

Title[2511b.users]: Number of 2511b Users
MaxBytes[2511b.users]: 783
AbsMax[2511b.users]: 783
Options[2511b.users]: gauge
Target[2511b.users]: `rsh hostname show users | (grep -c tty; echo 0)`
#PageTop[2511b.users]: <H1>Number of 2511b Users</H1>
YLegend[2511b.users]: Users
ShortLegend[2511b.users]: users
Legend1[2511b.users]: Number of 2511b Users
Legend3[2511b.users]: Maximum Number of 2511b Users
LegendI[2511b.users]: &nbsp;total users:
WithPeak[2511b.users]: ymwd
PageTop[2511b.users]: <H1>Number of 2511b Users

There we go, you have to enable rsh on the cisco by doing :

ip rcmd rsh-enable
ip rcmd remote-host root ipofhost root enable
ip rcmd remote-host nobody ipofhost nobody enable

Try that, and it should be right, an output of the rsh command is as
follows :

rsh hostname show users | (grep -c tty; echo 0)

That will start graphing it fine.

   Roddy Strachan                        Email - roddy at satlink.com.au
   Network/Systems Administrator         ICQ   - 1987890
   Satlink Internet Services             Ph.   - +61-3-9775-2600
   www.straks.satlink.com.au             Fax.  - +61-3-9775-2456

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