[mrtg] Re: (no subject)

Charles Gillanders charles at toucan.ie
Wed Sep 8 00:21:05 MEST 1999

I would have thought that all it means is that those routers have way more
incoming traffic than outgoing, typically web traffic tends to exhibit this
tendancy, small upstream commands to the server, large downstream data files
back to the client. I'm sure there are many other traffic types that would
also produce this kind of result, you need to ask yourself questions like
what should this router be doing? What are the people on the far side of it
doing? What kinds of access do they have? If you can't explain why these
routers would exhibit marked asymetric traffic patterns then you have to get
out a network monitor and actually figure what sort of data is actually
going over the link.

In summary, these routers probably do have much more incoming than outgoing
traffic, you need to think about your network configuration and satisfy
yourself as to why they do, and is there anything wrong with things being
that way...

----- Original Message -----
From: Tommy Cormier <tommy_cormier at eli.net>
To: <mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch>
Sent: 07 September 1999 22:48
Subject: [mrtg] (no subject)

> --------------DC3304FDA48E1ED0D8DAFEED
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Q:
> When looking at one (or many) of my routers on the graphs, the output
> line is less, sometimes far less, than the input line. What does this
> mean? Is the router buffering traffic? If so, how do we determine if
> the router is performing at its best (input/output ratio)?
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> org: ELI
> adr;dom: 2500 City West Blvd;;;Houston ;Tx;77042;
> email;internet: tommy_cormier at eli.net
> title: Sales Engineer
> tel;work: 7139148682
> x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
> x-mozilla-html: FALSE
> version: 2.1
> end: vcard
> --------------DC3304FDA48E1ED0D8DAFEED--
> --
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