[mrtg] Adding values

Andrew Chung andoon at lisp.com.au
Sat Sep 18 02:04:21 MEST 1999

Hi Everyone!

Can anybody tell me, how I can add two values from two externales
together, using MRTG?

Target[starnet.tot]: `/usr/local/bin/mrtg/bin/starnet.sh` +

doesn't work, because I think you can only have one externale, right?

The script has two values, from 2 different sources, and input needs to be
added up
and so does output.

(These are in bits!)


X1=`expr $LX1 + $BX1`
X2=`expr $LX2 + $BX2`

echo $X1
echo $X2

Therefore, I get:

Which is in 32 bit, maybe? Can someone give any suggestions, please?




Andrew Chung		andoon at lisp.com.au
Aus Fax:	(02) 9657 2149	US Fax:	209-796-8390

PGP Key available: http://www.lisp.com.au/~andoon/pgpkey

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