[mrtg] Re: Repost: NT Drive space OID not working

Nick_Ellson at or.blm.gov Nick_Ellson at or.blm.gov
Tue Aug 1 21:25:02 MEST 2000

The numbers I was getting from "snmputil walk"  suggested that I was getting
disk space free. It matched the numbers in My Computer listing details.

Anyway, either way I didn't get any thing but errors from MRTG, yet snmputil
could read the numbers.

I just don't know what else to try at this point. I would believe an SNMP issue
if snmputil would fail, but not only can it read the value I request, so can a
third party package "What's Up Gold" from another system.

You have a working config that does this? May I see it?


john.hoffman at za.pwcglobal.com on 08/01/2000 02:27:21 AM

 To:      Nick Ellson/ORSO/OR/BLM/DOI at BLM                     
 cc:      mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch                                
 Subject: Re: [mrtg] Re: Repost: NT Drive space OID not       


The OID you are using is representing the Percentage of Disk space
available/Free. Therefore a "Gauge" option as you indicate.

You're OID =
Try this one.

This is Disk space used.  If this also fails, you may have an SNMP issue.

I have used both with no problems, yet on NT server and not Workstation.



Nick_Ellson at or.blm.gov on 31/07/2000 08:56:42 PM

To:   "Stieers, Ken" <KStieers at dainrauscher.com>
cc:   mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject:  [mrtg] Re: Repost: NT Drive space OID not working
 Size: 6 Kb

Hi Ken,

When I posted this a while back (two weeks roughly) I had tried all variations
of leading "." trailing ".0" and such, no difference.

Here it is without the leading "."

D:\apps\mrtg\run>perl \apps\mrtg\run\mrtg \apps\mrtg\run\mrtg1.cfg
SNMP Error:
Received SNMP response with error code
  error status: noSuchName
  index 3 (OID:
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "" [].161
                  community: "public"
                 request ID: 661726980
                PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                    timeout: 2s
                    retries: 5
                    backoff: 1)
SNMPGET Problem for 1.3.6. sysUptime sysName on public at 158.
SNMPGET: Failed to reach target: "
67.58.0& at
5". I tried multiple times! public at

"Stieers, Ken" <KStieers at dainrauscher.com> on 07/31/2000 11:23:35 AM

 To:      Nick Ellson/ORSO/OR/BLM/DOI at BLM,
          mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch


 Subject: RE: [mrtg] Repost: NT Drive space OID not working

Use no leading dot (see below):

Target[ORSO109]: at

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