[mrtg] Re: My dates aren't updating

Isaac Grover isaac at coe.engr.sjsu.edu
Thu Jun 29 00:55:05 MEST 2000

Hello Mark.

My guess is perhaps that your browser cache is keeping copies of the
old pages.  You might want to look into the 'Refresh' keyword in
mrtg_dir/doc/sample-mrtg.cfg, and/or the 'WriteExpires' keyword.

Good luck.

Mark Milano wrote:
> When I look at the web pages created by MRTG the dates are saying Saturday, 17
> June 2000 at 10:37  but the time stamps on the actual pages are current.  Any
> ideas why this is happening?

Isaac Grover - isaac at coe.engr.sjsu.edu
SJSU College of Engineering, ECS / Networking
ENG 237, (408) 924-4074

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