[mrtg] Multiple *.cfg files

Peter Baumann Peter.Baumann at commcare.ch
Tue Nov 14 10:43:58 MET 2000


I just like to ask if someone is having a multiple log-files config and want to share his info.

I have a lot of routers to monitor. At the moment I have all entrys in ONE mrtg.cfg and a special config with directorys (I'm using the directory tag in mrtg.cfg). So every customer have his own directory.

I can split now every customer in own mrtg.cfg files and directorys. But how can I manage that mrtg is taking all the config-files and grabbing the traffic-datas ??

Maybe someone got a nice script which is taking all the different configs ??

Another question:

Is someone using the MC2 Java-based MRTG Admin tool with 2.9.4 ???



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