[mrtg] Re: Creating ?!

Isaac Grover isaac at coe.engr.sjsu.edu
Wed Nov 29 23:01:27 MET 2000

Filipa Gaudêncio wrote:

> I'm trying to create a cfg file, and here is the problem: i get a cfg file, but that one is empty. I believe that all the parameters are correct (communityname, path, ...), and i can't find the problem. the sintax i'm using is:
> c:\mrtg-2.8.12\run>perl cfgmaker comunityname at x.x.x.x c:\mrtg-2.8.12\run > filename.cfg

Based on my experience with the Unix/Linux version of cfgmaker, I would suggest that your command line be:

perl cfgmaker communityname at x.x.x.x > c:\mrtg-2.8.12\run\filename.cfg

Isaac Grover - isaac at coe.engr.sjsu.edu
SJSU College of Engineering, ECS / Networking
ENG 237, (408) 924-4074

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