[mrtg] Re: Monitor MRTG

Michael A. Samuel msamuel at link.net
Tue Aug 14 16:20:03 MEST 2001


what is RRAs  and how can i use it


Michael A. Samuel

-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch]On
Behalf Of Paul C. Williamson
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 9:34 PM
To: McQuaidFD at bordenchem.com; mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] Re: Monitor MRTG

You can use something like Big Brother to monitor the
logs or you can implement my talker script that ranks
all interfaces based on either utilization or units (bytes). 

You can tell which RRAs are getting populated by sorting the
table in ascending order to tell you which ones have the
lowest utilization at the top.


>>> <McQuaidFD at bordenchem.com> 08/13/01 03:23PM >>>

We are currently monitoring over 100 interfaces with MRTG.  I dont have the
time each day to check each graph to make sure it is populating.
How can I find out if one of the graphs is hung or some change to the
routers has been made that I am not aware that stopped the graph.
Thanks in advance for any information.
Frank McQuaid
Borden Chemical

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