[mrtg] Mailing list problems/suggestions

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at slot.hollandcasino.nl
Wed May 23 13:50:49 MEST 2001

Dear all,

With the coming holiday season nearby I'd like to ask you all to pay
attention to the following:

Every now and then somebody enables the out-of-office autoreply
service on his/her email.  This of course can be a good thing,
considered that it is done appropriately.

It is usually not a good idea to enable this feature for email
coming through any mail list.  Mind that the other list members
do not send mail to you personally...

Please look in the manual for the program you're using, or consult
your IT department.

It is also possible to set the vacation flag on your mailing list
subscription.  Visit http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/lsg2.cgi
When you set this flag, you won't receive mrtg or rrdtool mail and
thus you won't reply.

Thanks for your consideration,
 / alex at slot.hollandcasino.nl                  alex at ergens.op.het.net \
| work                                                         private |
| My employer is capable of speaking therefore I speak only for myself |
| Technical questions sent directly to me will be nuked. Use the list. | 
| http://faq.mrtg.org/                                                 |
| http://rrdtool.eu.org  --> tutorial                                  |

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