[mrtg] Re: MRTG migration from NT 4 to Linux
Paul C. Williamson
pwilliamson at mandtbank.com
Fri Sep 21 15:30:59 MEST 2001
The configs or the logs? I guess it really doesn't matter.
You could ftp them from one box to the other (ftp -i x.x.x.x
and then use mput or mget, depending on the direction).
That would be the easiest. I think going to binary mode
would make it easier. Everything is just text files.
Having said that, it's a whole different ballgame for rrd
files. But if you don't use RRDTool, it should be a
>>> <RCayton at horine.com> 09/20/01 05:06PM >>>
my boss has MRTG set up on a nt 4 server
we want to move it to our redhat 7.1 server.
is the there an easy way to convert the files to the linux cfg files?
we want to use rrd and some other linux tools.
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