[mrtg] Re: ifinoctets & ifoutoctets

Barry_Young at interliant.com Barry_Young at interliant.com
Fri Apr 12 10:38:43 MEST 2002

Whilst ifHCinoctets & ifHCoutoctects may indeed be used by various ATM
interfaces, they are primarily 64-bit counters as opposed to the standard
32-bit counters.


                      "Aguet, Pierre"                                                                                    
                      <Pierre.Aguet at bt         To:      mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch                                             
                      gppt.com>                cc:      "'tarik singh'" <tarik at rediffmail.com>                           
                      Sent by:                 Subject: [mrtg] Re: ifinoctets & ifoutoctets                              
                      mrtg-bounce at list                                                                                   
                      12/04/2002 08:53                                                                                   

ATM Stuff....




-----Original Message-----
From: tarik singh [mailto:tarik at rediffmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 6:57 AM
To: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch; mrtg-developer at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] ifinoctets & ifoutoctets

Thanks paul & others too,
    I have changed the value of target in mrtg_lib that monitors
the ifinoctets & ifoutoctets by default, now i'm able to monitor
the ifinerrors & ifouterrors by default. While reading the
mrtg_lib i found the mibs named ifhcinoctets & ifhcoutoctets. can
anybody tell me what are they?



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