[mrtg] Re: Data is on the first orw of log file, but does not advance
pwilliamson at mandtbank.com
Thu Aug 15 22:48:28 MEST 2002
That's almost too easy.
MRTG only deals with Intgers. Multiply by 100 and you'll be good.
Also, increase your maxbytes jut to make sure you don't lose data
if the load goes over 1.00.
>>> "Daniel Curry" <dcurry at cariocas.com> 08/15/02 04:28PM >>>
Hello everyone,
I am experiencing a minor MRTG issue. The .cfg file has about twelve targets. One of the targets gets valid data, puts it on the first row of the .log but does not advance.
Here is the segment of the .cfg:
Target[server-cpu]: at localhost
MaxBytes[server-cpu]: 100
Title[server-cpu]: FS.Cariocas.com CPU Load (5 Minute Average)
YLegend[server-cpu]: load
ShortLegend[server-cpu]: load
Legend1[server-cpu]: CPU Load (x 100)
LegendI[server-cpu]: CPU Load (x 100)
PageTop[server-cpu]: <H1> FS.Cariocas.com 5-minute average of CPU Load</H1>
Options[server-cpu]: gauge,nopercent,integer,growright
And here are segments of the .log file...
1029443281 0.13 0.13
1029443281 0 0 0 0
1029443221 0 0 0 0
1029443402 0.15 0.15
1029443402 0 0 0 0
1029443340 0 0 0 0
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might be missing?
Daniel Curry
IT Manager
625 Second Street
Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94107
ph: 415-348-6516
fx: 415-348-6505
cell: 510-579-6680
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