[mrtg] Re: Graph centered on average, ignoring peaks

Barry_Young at interliant.com Barry_Young at interliant.com
Thu Dec 5 19:02:23 MET 2002

Have you tried the WithPeaks option in the mrtg config file to suppress the
peaks and only display the average traffic levels?  It may not satisfy your
requirements, but thought I'd mention it in case it has been overlooked.


                      "Lemaire, David                                                                                               
                      W."                      To:      "'PAUL WILLIAMSON'" <pwilliamson at mandtbank.com>, mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch       
                      <dlemaire at ems.co         cc:                                                                                  
                      m>                       Subject: [mrtg] Re: Graph centered on average, ignoring peaks                        
                      Sent by:                                                                                                      
                      mrtg-bounce at list                                                                                              
                      05/12/2002 16:35                                                                                              

That is what I was hoping to avoid. I don't mind editing either script, but
I am having a hard time finding the code that determines the scale of the
graphs :(

Dave Lemaire
603-924-9571 x5102
Problems cannot be solved at the same level
of awareness that created them.-A. Einstein

-----Original Message-----
From: PAUL WILLIAMSON [mailto:pwilliamson at mandtbank.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 1:46 PM
To: dlemaire at ems.com; mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] Re: Graph centered on average, ignoring peaks

You can either:

1.  Rool your own display program (replace
2.  Utilize the MaxBytes and AbsMax features.  While
it won't give you exactly what you want, it may give
you some ideas.


>>> "Lemaire, David W." <dlemaire at ems.com> 12/04/02 13:14 PM >>>

Hello all,
I have searched the archives but have not found anything pertaining to

I would like to have my MRTG graphs ignore the spikes, and center the
horizontal based on the average current traffic.
I am using 14all.cgi & mrtg-rrd.cgi to generate these graphs.

Any clues ?
Thanks in advance !

Dave Lemaire
603-924-9571 x5102
Problems cannot be solved at the same level
of awareness that created them.-A. Einstein

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