[mrtg] Re: monitoring 1 interface
Merton Campbell Crockett
mcc at TO.GD-ES.COM
Tue Mar 26 22:51:08 MET 2002
On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, Luz Lopez wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I to use cfgmaker for one interface, example if I have a router with
> 2 serials and each serial have 4 interface but I want build my mrtg.conf
> with interface S0/3
> I use:
> /var/mrtg/bin/cfgmaker --global 'Workdir: /www/monitoreo/lp' --global
> 'Imagedir: /www/monitoreo/lp/images' --global 'LogDir: /var/log/mrtg/log
> ' --global 'Options[_]: bits,growright' --global 'Interval: 5' --global
> 'Refresh: 300' --global 'Language: Spanish' --output /www/monitoreo/lp
> /mrtg.cfg 4:mrtg-comunity at
> But this not work, how can I do it?
Why not simply let cfgmaker generate the file for all of the interfaces
and collect the information? It won't cost much in time to let mrtg go
through the exercise of computing the averages and generating the graphs
for a dozen interfaces.
If this seems wasteful to you, you can go through the generated file and
comment out the sections for interfaces that you are not interested about.
Simply place a "#" in the first character position of each line of the
section associated with an interface that you do not want to record.
Merton Campbel Crockett
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