[mrtg] Assorted Linux RedHat 7.x MRTG stand-alone configurations for graphing system activity incl network traffic without using SNMP

Chris Drake cnd at geek.net.au
Tue May 28 16:12:28 MEST 2002


I've put this URL up - http://www.geek.net.au/mrtg.html because:-

I spent a day looking for a simple way to MRTG graph my local server
bandwidth, and found nothing, so I learned the config, whipped up the
answer, and thought I'd save you all from reinventing my same wheel.

This config has sections to graph ethernet traffic, system memory and
swap space usage, temperature, CPU Utilisation, disk IO, swap and
paging activity, and disk space.  It should work on any RedHat 7+
system, and probably on 6.x too, and possibly on other unicies. 

Use as many or as few as you wish.

If you happen to publish MRTG documentation: You might want to keep in
mind that a great many people don't have a clue what SNMP is - the
"eth0" section below would make a good example in the documentation
for these people who just want to graph their local bandwidth with no



(text copy of web page follows FYI)

#                                                                    #
# MRTG Config file to graph system usage on a RedHat 7.x server      #
#                                                                    #
#               by Chris Drake - www.ReadNotify.com                  #
#                                                                    #
# Remember to put this in your crontab (minus the leading # of course, and after
# saving this configuration as /usr/local/bin/rh7.cfg) :-
# */10 * * * * /usr/bin/mrtg /usr/local/bin/rh7.cfg 2>> /var/log/mrtg.log

# Here is where your web server will pick up the graphs from:-

# "sar" appears to run every 10 minutes, so that's the interval we pick.
Interval: 10

#                                                                    #
# this is the eth0 traffic graphing section from /proc/net/dev       #
# change "grep eth0" to something else to measure a different device #
#                                                                    #
Target[eth0]: `perl -e '@a=split(/[:\s]+/,qx(grep eth0 /proc/net/dev));$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\neth0
traffic\n";$s=sprintf $fmt,$a[2],$a[10];print $s; print STDERR $s;'`;
Options[eth0]: noinfo, growright, transparent, dorelpercent
MaxBytes[eth0]: 12500000
# MaxBytes2[eth0]: 12500000
# AbsMax[eth0]: 12500000
kilo[eth0]: 1024
YLegend[eth0]: Bytes per second
ShortLegend[eth0]: B/s
Legend1[eth0]: Incoming Traffic in Bytes per second
Legend2[eth0]: Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per second
Legend3[eth0]: Maximal 10 Minute Incoming Traffic
Legend4[eth0]: Maximal 10 Minute Outgoing Traffic
LegendI[eth0]:  In:
LegendO[eth0]:  Out:
Timezone[eth0]: GMT
Title[eth0]: Server eth0 traffic
PageFoot[eth0]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[eth0]: <H2>Server eth0 traffic</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the memory/swap space graphing section from /proc/meminfo  #
# I scaled mine by 1000 because the numbers were so small            #
#                                                                    #
Target[mem]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nSystem Memory and Swap\n";($mtot,$mu,$stot,$su)=(qx(cat
$fmt,100000*($su/$stot),100000*($mu/$mtot);print $o; print STDERR $o'`;
Options[mem]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent
MaxBytes[mem]: 100000
YLegend[mem]: % Free memory and swap space
ShortLegend[mem]: % x 1000
Legend1[mem]: % swap space used
Legend2[mem]: % memory used
Legend3[mem]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[mem]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[mem]: &nbsp;Swp:
LegendO[mem]: &nbsp;Mem:
Timezone[mem]: GMT
Title[mem]: Server Memory and Swap space
PageFoot[mem]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[mem]: <H2>Server Memory and Swap space</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the system temperature (1 of 2) from /proc/cpqtmp          #
# if you don't have a compaq server, you probably can't use this     #
#                                                                    #
Target[temp1]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nSystem Temperatures (1 of 2)\n";$o=sprintf $fmt,(qx(cat
/proc/cpqtmp)=~/^1\tDefault\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t(\d+).*?^2\tDefault\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t(\d+)/sm);print $o; print STDERR
Options[temp1]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent
MaxBytes1[temp1]: 69
MaxBytes2[temp1]: 75
YLegend[temp1]: System temperature sensors
ShortLegend[temp1]: &deg;
Legend1[temp1]: Sensor 1
Legend2[temp1]: Sensor 2
Legend3[temp1]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[temp1]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[temp1]: &nbsp;temp1:
LegendO[temp1]: &nbsp;temp2:
Timezone[temp1]: GMT
Title[temp1]: Server System Temperatures (1 of 2)
PageFoot[temp1]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[temp1]: <H2>Server System Temperatures (1 of 2)</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the system temperature (2 of 2) from /proc/cpqtmp          #
# if you don't have a compaq server, you probably can't use this     #
#                                                                    #
Target[temp2]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nSystem Temperatures (2 of 2)\n";$o=sprintf $fmt,(qx(cat
/proc/cpqtmp)=~/^3\tDefault\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t(\d+).*?^4\tDefault\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t(\d+)/sm);print $o; print STDERR
Options[temp2]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent
MaxBytes[temp2]: 73
YLegend[temp2]: System temperature sensors
ShortLegend[temp2]: &deg;
Legend1[temp2]: Sensor 3
Legend2[temp2]: Sensor 4
Legend3[temp2]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[temp2]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[temp2]: &nbsp;temp3:
LegendO[temp2]: &nbsp;temp4:
Timezone[temp2]: GMT
Title[temp2]: Server System Temperatures (2 of 2)
PageFoot[temp2]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[temp2]: <H2>Server System Temperatures (2 of 2)</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the CPU Utilisation % from sar -U ALL -h                   #
# this is unlikley to work if you only have 1 CPU. Forget fixing it  #
# to work for 1 CPU if you're not a perl regexp guru.                #
#                                                                    #
#Idle time %= Target[cpu]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nCPU Idletime\n";$o=sprintf $fmt,(qx(sar -U ALL -h
| tail -8)=~/cpu0\s+%idle\s+([\d\.]+).*?cpu1\s+%idle\s+([\d\.]+)/sm);print $o; print STDERR $o'`
Target[cpu]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nCPU Idletime\n";($c1,$c2)=(qx(sar -U ALL -h | tail
$fmt,$c1,$c2;print $o; print STDERR $o'`
Options[cpu]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent, dorelpercent, nopercent
MaxBytes[cpu]: 100000
YLegend[cpu]: CPU Utilisation
ShortLegend[cpu]: % x 1000
Legend1[cpu]: CPU 0
Legend2[cpu]: CPU 1
Legend3[cpu]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[cpu]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[cpu]: &nbsp;cpu0:
LegendO[cpu]: &nbsp;cpu1:
Timezone[cpu]: GMT
Title[cpu]: Server CPU Utilisation (% times 1000)
PageFoot[cpu]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[cpu]: <H2>Server CPU Utilisation (% times 1000)</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the Disk I/O from sar -b -h                                #
# I scaled mine by 1000 because the numbers were so small            #
#                                                                    #
Target[diskio]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nDisk I/O\n";($v1,$v2)=(qx(sar -b -h | tail
-5)=~/bread\/s\s+([\d\.]+).*?bwrtn\/s\s+([\d\.]+)/sm);$v1=1000*$v1;$v2=1000*$v2;$o=sprintf $fmt,$v1,$v2;print $o;
print STDERR $o'`
Options[diskio]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent, dorelpercent, nopercent
MaxBytes[diskio]: 100000000
YLegend[diskio]: Disk I/O blocks/sec * 1000
ShortLegend[diskio]: blk/s x 1000
Legend1[diskio]: read
Legend2[diskio]: write
Legend3[diskio]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[diskio]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[diskio]: &nbsp;read:
LegendO[diskio]: &nbsp;write:
Timezone[diskio]: GMT
Title[diskio]: Server Disk I/O (blocks per second times 1000)
PageFoot[diskio]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[diskio]: <H2>Server Disk I/O (blocks per second times 1000)</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the Swap and Paging I/O from sar -B -W -h                  #
# I scaled mine by 1000 because the numbers were so small            #
#                                                                    #
Target[swap]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nSwap and Paging\n";($v1,$v2)=(qx(sar -W -h | tail
-B -h | tail
$fmt,$p1,$p2;print $o; print STDERR $o'`
Options[swap]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent, dorelpercent, nopercent
MaxBytes[swap]: 100000000
YLegend[swap]: In+Out blocks per second * 1000
ShortLegend[swap]: io blk/s x 1000
Legend1[swap]: read
Legend2[swap]: write
Legend3[swap]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[swap]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[swap]: &nbsp;swap:
LegendO[swap]: &nbsp;page:
Timezone[swap]: GMT
Title[swap]: Server Swap and Paging I/O (in+out blocks per second times 1000)
PageFoot[swap]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[swap]: <H2>Server Swap and Paging I/O (in+out blocks per second times 1000)</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the disk space % on / and /var from "df"                   #
#                                                                    #
Target[diskspace1]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nDisk
Space\n";($v1,$v2)=(qx(df)=~/(\d+)%\s+\/\n.*?(\d+)%\s+\/var/sm);$o=sprintf $fmt,$v1,$v2;print $o; print STDERR $o'`
Options[diskspace1]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent, nopercent
MaxBytes[diskspace1]: 100
YLegend[diskspace1]: % used
ShortLegend[diskspace1]: % Disk space used
Legend1[diskspace1]: /
Legend2[diskspace1]: /var
Legend3[diskspace1]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[diskspace1]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[diskspace1]: &nbsp;/:
LegendO[diskspace1]: &nbsp;/var:
Timezone[diskspace1]: GMT
Title[diskspace1]: Server % Disk space used on / and /var
PageFoot[diskspace1]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[diskspace1]: <H2>Server % Disk space used on / and /var</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is the disk space % on /boot and /u02 from "df"               #
#                                                                    #
Target[diskspace2]: `perl -e '$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\nDisk
Space\n";($v1,$v2)=(qx(df)=~/(\d+)%\s+\/boot.*?(\d+)%\s+\/u02/sm);$o=sprintf $fmt,$v1,$v2;print $o; print STDERR
Options[diskspace2]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent, nopercent
MaxBytes[diskspace2]: 100
YLegend[diskspace2]: % used
ShortLegend[diskspace2]: % Disk space used
Legend1[diskspace2]: /boot
Legend2[diskspace2]: /u02
Legend3[diskspace2]: Maximal 10 Min
Legend4[diskspace2]: Maximal 10 Min
LegendI[diskspace2]: &nbsp;/boot:
LegendO[diskspace2]: &nbsp;/u02:
Timezone[diskspace2]: GMT
Title[diskspace2]: Server % Disk space used on /boot and /u02
PageFoot[diskspace2]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[diskspace2]: <H2>Server % Disk space used on /boot and /u02</H2>

#                                                                    #
# this is an alternative eth0 traffic graphing section               #
# using "sar" instead of /proc/*                                     #
#                                                                    #
Target[eth0sar]: `perl -e '$s1=1;$s2=$s1;$f="%.0f";$fmt="$f\n$f\n1\neth0sar traffic\n";$o=sprintf
$fmt,(qx(/usr/bin/sar -n DEV | grep eth0 | tail -2)=~/eth0\s+[^\s]+\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/); print $o;
print STDERR $o;'`;
Options[eth0sar]: gauge, noinfo, growright, transparent, dorelpercent
MaxBytes[eth0sar]: 12500000
# MaxBytes2[eth0sar]: 12500000
# AbsMax[eth0sar]: 12500000
kilo[eth0sar]: 1024
YLegend[eth0sar]: Bytes per second
ShortLegend[eth0sar]: B/s
Legend1[eth0sar]: Incoming Traffic in Bytes per second
Legend2[eth0sar]: Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per second
Legend3[eth0sar]: Maximal 10 Minute Incoming Traffic
Legend4[eth0sar]: Maximal 10 Minute Outgoing Traffic
LegendI[eth0sar]: &nbsp;In:
LegendO[eth0sar]: &nbsp;Out:
Timezone[eth0sar]: GMT
Title[eth0sar]: Server eth0sar traffic
PageFoot[eth0sar]: Contact us <a href="/contact.asp">here</a> for more info<p>
PageTop[eth0sar]: <H2>Server eth0sar traffic</H2>

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