[mrtg] Help/Ext. Script : Could not get any data from external command

Leo Houer solibra at berlin.com
Tue Jul 29 10:39:03 MEST 2003

Hi everyone,

When i want to use mrtg.cfg with a external script i get the following errormessage on run of mrtg:

WARNING: Running '/etc/mrtg/ping.sh': Permission denied
WARNING: Could not get any data from external command '/etc/mrtg/ping.sh'
Maybe the external command did not even start. (Permission denied)

But when running this script from commandline with >sh ping.sh
i dont get any error but some good output.

Here is how the external script is used in my mrtg.cfg:
Target[ping_nerim]: `/etc/mrtg/ping.sh`
Options[ping_nerim]: nopercent,growright,gauge
MaxBytes[ping_nerim]: 10000
# AbsMax[ping_nerim]: 10000
YLegend[ping_nerim]: Latence
ShortLegend[ping_nerim]: ms
Legend1[ping_nerim]: Latence max en ms
Legend2[ping_nerim]: Latence min en ms
LegendI[ping_nerim]: Latence Max:
LegendO[ping_nerim]: Latence Min:
Title[ping_nerim]: Ping sur telehouse.nerim.net
PageTop[ping_nerim]: <H1>Latence telehouse.nerim.net<H1>
Legend4[ping_nerim]: Max de la latence min
Legend3[ping_nerim]: Max de la latence max

Here the scripts itself:

# Thierry Nkaoua tnka at linux-sottises.net

P=`ping -c3 -w6|grep round`
MIN=`echo $P|cut -d" " -f4|cut -d"." -f1`
MAX=`echo $P|cut -d"/" -f5|cut -d"." -f1`
echo $MAX
echo $MIN

System is Redhat 7.2 and mrtg is running under the root account.

Who knows whats the problem?
I'm looking forward to your ideas guys!

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