[mrtg] OID calculation

Garth Williams garth.williams at acrodex.com
Wed Jul 30 18:11:27 MEST 2003

Hi folx!
I have a situation I wonder if someone could help me with

Given the following:
Target[xyz]: OID1&OID2:public at someIP

An SNMP GET on OID1 gives me a value like so: 3463168
An SNMP GET on OID2 gives me a value like so: 2123456789

Anyone got any ideas how I can scale down OID2 so that the values would
be in the same scal (to something like 2073688 ish) so that they will be

I have tried ...

Target[xyz]: OID1:public at someIP&OID2:public at someIP /1024

...which I thought would divide OID2 by 1024, but "no worky pas".

Is it because the result (2073688.2705078125) has a decimal remainder

Help (as always) appreciated!


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