[mrtg] Re: Newbie - Unit in graph doesn't match unit in legend
Koelstra, J. (Jan)
JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL
Mon Apr 4 10:08:28 MEST 2005
If you leave out the Factor in you config and put in * 1024 at the targetline you should get the same numbers in the legend and Y-axis. (Note that you have to put white spaces around the *)
If you don't want to change the target line in your config you have to use a combination of kMG, Y-Legend, ShortLegend, LegendI, LegendO, Legend1, Legend2, Legend3 and Legend4.
(See: http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg-reference.html#kmg and
-----Original Message-----
From: mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Corstian
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 8:00 AM
To: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
Subject: [mrtg] Newbie - Unit in graph doesn't match unit in legend
My last problem is a unit problem.
I configured mrtg to use a Factor of 1024, but this factor only works on the Legends of my graphs.
So, for example, my disk space in the legend is: 4295.3 MB, while the legend on de Y-axis shows 4.4MB
Can anybody tell me, how I can multiply the legend on the Y-axis as well, so this will show 4.4GB instead of 4.4MB ??
Below you can find an example of my disk space section in the mrtg.conf
thanks in advance!
### Disk space of /dev/hda1 partition on mounted on /
Target[disk.hda1]: `/home/corstian/bin/mrtg/partition_space /dev/hda1`
Options[disk.hda1]: gauge,growright,nopercent
Title[disk.hda1]: Disk Usage of /dev/hda1 mounted on /
MaxBytes[disk.hda1]: 10000000000
Factor[disk.hda1]: 1024
LegendO[disk.hda1]: Total
LegendI[disk.hda1]: Used
Legend1[disk.hda1]: Total diskspace
Legend2[disk.hda1]: Used diskspace
YLegend[disk.hda1]: Bytes
ShortLegend[disk.hda1]: B
PageTop[disk.hda1]: <H1>Disk Usage of /dev/hda1 mounted on / </H1>
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