[mrtg] Re: WxGoos-1 & MRTG

McDonald, Dan Dan.McDonald at austinenergy.com
Tue Dec 20 14:05:39 MET 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 21:31 -0500, Wixted, Joe wrote:
> I'm trying to get one of these integrated with my MRTG/rrd/routers2.cgi
> setup.
> The problem is, my graphs don't match the results I see from the device,
> or from GetIf.  The LAN monitor seems to work fine, but the Humidity and
> Water sensors are way off.  Humidity from the device reports ~15%, from
> MRTG, it reports 104%.  For the Water Sensor, the device reports 99, but
> MRTG reports 792.  Anyone have any suggestions?
don't use options 'bits', just guage.

Upgrade the Goose to 2.48 - that version seems to work the best. 2.46,
in particular has lots of troubles.  If you have trouble upgrading, get
in touch with Pepe at IT Watchdogs - he's very helpful.

I'll upload my most recent version of a working template file to

The template auto-detects probes from UptimeDevices and ITwatchdogs and
creates a working configuration.  I have a raft of templates there for
various devices, including IOS snmp V3 support when using the MRTG 2.13
release candidate

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CNX, CISSP # 78281
Austin Energy
dan.mcdonald at austinenergy.com

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